Our Lady Of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Special Educational Needs

Our SENCo/Inclusion Manager is Mr. Luke Politano.

Mr Politano is responsible for coordinating all the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and ensuring that all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school.

Mr Politano ensures that parents are involved in supporting their child’s learning and kept informed about the support your child is getting. 

We liaise with Speech and Language Therapy, Learning Support Advisory Teacher etc and work with closely with all teachers regarding the school’s SEND Register, Learning Plans and Provisions. We also provide specialist support for teachers and teaching assistants in the school, so they can help children with SEND in the school achieve the best progress possible. 

If you would like to get in touch with Mr Politano or require any further information regarding Special Educational Needs, please make contact via the school office by clicking here.